Discerning the Voice of Wisdom

Just like our bodies are made up of cells, our lives are made up of decisions. The better decisions we make, the better quality of life we have.

This is where wisdom makes a significant impact in our lives. Even the person with the highest Intelligence quotient (IQ) requires wisdom.

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So, where does wisdom start? In Proverbs 9:10, it states that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (KJV). So, you don’t need a ton of experience, a high IQ, or education. It begins when we fear the Lord.

Wisdom Definition

To get a well-rounded view of what wisdom is, let’s discuss the definition of wisdom from the old testament and the new testament. The old testament is written in Hebrew and the new testament in Greek. So let’s look at the Hebrew definition of wisdom first.

Wisdom in the Hebrew Lexicon meant to experience, intelligence, insight, and judgment. Hebrew wisdom emphasized the will of the heart. Not the intellect. It wasn’t based on your education level. It was based upon what God revealed about right and wrong.

Wisdom in the Greek Lexicon was the knowledge of how to regulate one’s relationship with God. The more you grow in God, the more you grow in wisdom. So, the definitions are not entirely different, but it sure gives a new perspective on the importance of having a relationship with God.


Types of Wisdom

  1. Human wisdom (earthly wisdom)
  2. The wisdom of God (heavenly wisdom)

These two types of wisdom are not on the same level. One significant distinction between heavenly wisdom and earthly wisdom is where they lead. Their paths might look similar for a little while, but their final destination is not the same.

We know that the book of Proverbs is hugely known for talking about wisdom. Even though wisdom does not have a gender, wisdom was depicted as “she.” Mainly when women were considered inferior and did not have a voice. This may be showing how people back then did not welcome Godly wisdom.


3 Different Individuals

Proverbs 1:21-22 (NLT)

“She calls to the crowds along the main street, to those gathered in front of the city gate: ‘How long, you simpletons, will you insist on being simpleminded? How long will you mockers relish your mocking? How long will you fools hate knowledge?’”


  • Also known as “simple-minded,” refers to open-minded, naive, easily persuaded, or enticed without pause.
  • The word “simple” in Hebrew means “without pause,” so if they don’t pause before they speak, you know why.
  • Simpletons are open to good influences by also to evil influences.
  • They pride themselves on being a free spirit and how open they are to trying new things.
  • They fit in easily in many different social circles because they’ve never fully committed themselves to any one thing.

Once you become a fully committed follower of Christ, there are just certain circles you shouldn’t fit in anymore. You can do ministry there, but you can’t do life there.

Mockers (Scorners)

  • Mockers are those who despise what is godly and take pride in evil.
  • They are indifferent to God’s things and prideful about their views towards God, church, religion, etc.
  • Mockers are very irreverent, blasphemous, and have no fear of God at all.
  • Mockers are often people that possess some knowledge of God/things of God but have lost respect for them (hypocrisy, offense, disappointment, etc.)


  • Fools are stupid individuals who are confident in their own wisdom.
  • It’s those individuals who believe they have things all figured out without God’s help.

Wisdom could have easily allowed these individuals to continue down the path to their own demise, but the scripture tells us wisdom cries out to these individuals. (Proverbs 1:20)


Wisdom has a voice

Just like wisdom cries out to get their attention, it still has a voice today.

“I called you so often, but you wouldn’t come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention” Proverbs 1:24 (NLT)

Notice all these past tense words used in the scripture: “I called you, I reached out, you ignored, you rejected…”

God is telling us wisdom has something to say before things play out. Many times it may sound similar to a piece of advice or warning. Sometimes the voice of wisdom is silent. After an experience is finished, it talks.

Our Responsibility

In the familiar verse, James 1:5 KJV, it states, “if any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally..” emphasizing asking for wisdom in faith but are you ready to receive what you are asking for?

You should also receive wisdom in faith because you’re not always going to like what wisdom has to say.

Our responsibility is to learn to discern wisdom’s sound upon the earth. Learn when the voice of wisdom is crying out. Have faith in what’s to come.

Many things on earth are changing, and maybe we need to acknowledge that some of this change is above our pay grade. It’s beyond our understanding.

God doesn’t ask us for our approval, nor does He need it. He keeps His promises, and His plans are more significant than ours.

In Part 3 we will be talking about wisdom based on scripture, but not in scripture. What does that even mean? Great question.